Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hillary Clinton urged to call for election vote recount in battleground states

 United States presidential election recount in three state Hillary Clinton has urged top computer scientists to apply. According to them, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania state voting system has been hacking or interference.
Hillary Clinton's campaign team last Thursday in connection with this investigation, they surrendered. The scientists at the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society are the main J. Alex hyaldaramyana. According to them, these three counties in the state and the counties of electronic paper ballot vote has been taken, there are inconsistencies in the
Hillary Clinton-trump difference.
Hillary Clinton campaign chief prosecutor and head of the Public padesta Mark Elijah, they said, the county has used electronic voting machines, where Clinton got less than 7 percent of the vote. And they said, but no evidence of hacking, this type requires an independent review.
Note that, in the context of this election was already hacking. In October, the Obama administration accused Russia tried to enter voter registration information. But the official cyber-security experts said, quite impossible to have any effect on the election results in Russia.

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