Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Victory speech, one of the other Trump

After the victory Trump agree to meet one another. After his candidature from the election campaign so far, he has written grammar hatred. Ghrnabadi sight he saw immigrants and Muslims. Trampai victory speech that he was converted to the other man.
Referring to the historical moment of winning the election, Trump thanked everyone. Sources bringing the long division, the obstacles he pledged the United States to one of the thread. "This historic moment will be more memorable if everyone can work together for the country. Only then the country would be great. "
Trump campaign with immigrants were serious comments. Victory speech, he pointed out that immigrants are a great people.Triumph said, she thanked him. Congratulated for winning. Clinton also praised Trump. He also played a positive role in the country's progress and thanked Trump mentioned.Triumph assured that his government would serve the people. He said, "We'll start working together to rebuild our country. I know our country well. There are a lot of potential here. Every American has the capacity to understand its potential. "Triumph 'national renewal project was announced. He also pledged to double US economy. He pledged to work together with other countries. Triumph says, "I'd say the global community, we are dominated by the interests of the United States, but all will be well."Meanwhile, a total of 279 electoral votes in presidential elections held on Tuesday confirmed the victory Trump. Candidates to be elected president is to get at least 70 electoral votes. According to the latest preliminary results in Wisconsin before winning the crucial swing state of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina after a defeat Clinton camp is to create discomfort. Clinton to publicly support the influential British daily The Guardian reported, the Democrat presidential candidate in jeopardy. And it is said, is close to winning Trump. He won penasilabhyaniyaya Trump has confirmed his victory. And finally, after winning 70 of Wisconsin was able to cross the Trump quotas.

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